
The minor in 沟通 Studies offers students an exploration of the theories, 人类交流的实践和动态, providing valuable skills applicable across a wide range of personal, 专业和社会环境. 通过基础课程和选修课程的结合, students gain insight into the complexities of verbal and nonverbal communication, 人际关系和说服策略.


Students begin by selecting one foundational course from either COM 101, 人类交流, 或com120, 健康传播基础, each offering a unique perspective on fundamental communication principles and applications.

Building upon this introductory coursework, students enroll in COM 204, 沟通 Theory & Research, which delves into the theoretical frameworks and research methods used to analyze and understand communication processes. Prerequisites for this course include completion of COM 101 或com120, ensuring students have a solid grounding in foundational communication concepts.

完成辅修课程, 学生选修200级及以上的交流课程, 共9学时. These elective courses offer opportunities for deeper exploration of specialized areas within communication studies, 比如跨文化交流, 组织沟通, 说服, 传媒研究或修辞学.

总共需要15个学分才能完成, the minor in 沟通 Studies equips students with essential communication skills, critical thinking abilities and a nuanced understanding of human interaction, 准备他们在不同的个人成功, 学术和专业努力.

有关课程的更多信息,请查看 学术目录.



The minor in Conflict Resolution provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and resolve conflicts in various personal, 专业, 以及社会背景. Through a combination of foundational courses in criminal justice and communication, 还有不同学科的选修课, students gain a comprehensive understanding of conflict dynamics and learn practical strategies for mediation, 谈判, 以及恢复性司法.


学生从刑事司法入门课程开始, including Introduction to Criminal Justice (CJ 130) and Corrections in the U.S. (CJ 227), providing a foundational understanding of the criminal justice system and its role in conflict resolution.

Next, students explore restorative justice principles and practices in CJ 465, 恢复性司法, learning alternative approaches to addressing harm and fostering healing in communities.

Students then engage in the study of conflict resolution strategies through COM 343, Conflict, 中介, & 谈判, which emphasizes effective communication and 谈判 techniques essential for resolving disputes.

进一步提高他们的沟通技巧, students choose one course from a selection covering topics such as human communication, 跨文化沟通, 人际沟通, 或者辩论和辩护.

Finally, students have the option to participate in a field experience or internship (COM 436 or CJ 403), allowing for practical application of conflict resolution concepts in real-world settings.

有关课程的更多信息,请查看 学术目录.



The minor in Public Relations provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, strategies and practices essential for effective communication in organizational settings, 媒体关系, 危机管理. 通过核心课程和选修课程的结合, 学生发展公共关系写作的实用技能, 战略传播策划和媒体关系, 为他们从事公共关系工作做准备, 公司信息交流, 市场营销及相关领域.


学生从COM 205开始, 公共关系概论, which introduces foundational concepts and theories in public relations practice, providing students with an overview of the role and functions of public relations in modern organizations. Prerequisites for this course include completion of COM 101 或com120, ensuring students have a solid understanding of basic communication principles.

以这个基础课程为基础, 学生选修COM 211, 公共关系写作, which focuses on developing effective written communication skills essential for public relations 专业s, 包括新闻稿, 媒体宣传和战略信息.

Students then choose one course from a selection of communication electives, such as COM 101 (人类交流) 或com120 (健康传播基础), to further enhance their understanding of communication theory and practice.

另外, 学生从各种各样的选项中选择一门选修课, 包括战略性社交媒体, 公众演讲, 跨文化沟通, 体育公共关系或风险与危机沟通, allowing for specialization in areas relevant to their interests and career goals.

总共需要15个学分才能完成, the minor in Public Relations equips students with valuable skills in strategic communication, 媒体关系和危机管理, preparing them for success in a variety of 专业 roles within the field of public relations and related industries.

有关课程的更多信息,请查看 学术目录.



The minor in Sport 沟通 offers students an in-depth exploration of the dynamic intersection between sports, 媒体与传播, providing valuable insights into the role of communication in the sports industry. 通过核心课程和选修课程的结合, students gain practical skills and theoretical knowledge essential for careers in sports journalism, 体育营销, 公共关系等等.


Students begin by selecting one foundational course from either COM 101 (人类交流) 或com120 (健康传播基础), 提供传播理论和实践的广泛介绍.

以这个基础课程为基础, 学生选修COM 163, 体育传播基础, which examines the unique communication dynamics within the sports industry, 包括媒体报道, 风扇订婚, 以及运动员的交流.

Students then delve into the cultural and sociological aspects of sport communication with COM 244, Sport, 沟通, 和文化, exploring how sports intersect with broader societal issues and values.

COM 415, 体育组织中的沟通, provides students with an understanding of communication practices within sport organizations, 包括媒体关系, 营销传播与危机传播策略.

进一步定制他们的未成年人, students choose one elective course from a selection of communication options, 比如公共关系导论或战略社交媒体, and one elective course from a selection of 组织沟通 or risk and crisis communication options.

总共需要18个学分才能完成, the minor in Sport 沟通 equips students with practical skills and theoretical knowledge applicable to various roles within the sports industry, 为他们在充满活力和竞争的领域取得成功做好准备.

有关课程的更多信息,请查看 学术目录.

